Production Supervisor Jim Jerome (You S3)

Historically, production assistants were quick to edit a paper voucher after it had been signed (i.e. by crossing off adjustments) rather than taking the time to resolve the issue with the actor.

Because it’s not always possible to resolve these disputes on the spot (especially when dozens of actors are 
waiting to be checked out), Everyset’s software allows both parties to leave notes when signing a voucher so that these disagreements are officially recorded.

Making changes to a voucher will now always leave a digital trail, providing a better way to resolve conflicts and avoiding costly claims that may drag on for weeks.

Production accountants will revel in knowing that the payroll data contained in Everyset’s digital voucher can be reviewed in real-time online. Once approved, it can be sent directly to a payroll company along with employment eligibility and tax withholding documents. There is nothing to export, print, or email.
